Structural and Functional Glycobiology Unit
Our research aims to establish the link between the structure and function of glycans. In particular, we study the structure and function of complex carbohydrates associated with proteins or free polysaccharides as well as the enzymes involved in their biosynthesis and degradation. The main research topics of our laboratory cover a wide range of areas of interest, from the glycobiology of microorganisms and plant glycobiology to human health issues (glycopathologies). Our unit is composed of 10 teams articulated around 3 axes: structural glycobiology and modeling; biosynthesis, degradation of carbohydrates and their regulation; the function of carbohydrate molecules and their pathological disorders. We are open to all academic and industrial collaborations and propose services in line with our expertise.
Director: Yann Guerardel
Deputy director: Simon Hawkins
Bâtiment C9, Avenue Mendeleïev
Campus Cité Scientifique, Université de Lille
Glycobiology, Glycanes, Glycosylation, Biochemistry, Computational biology, Structural biology, Molecular biologyLocalisation
- Structural glycobiology
- Biosynthesis and degradation of glycans
- Glycans regulations
- Function of carbohydrate molecules and their pathological disturbances
- Glycobiology of olfaction
- Regulation of terminal glycosylation
- Microbial genetics
- Genetics of bacterial envelopes
- Heparan sulfate diversity and inflammatory response
- Molecular mechanisms of N-glycosylation and associated pathologies
- O-GlcNAcylation, signaling and cell cycle
- Vegetable fibers
- Computational molecular and systems biology
- Regulation of division signals
- Glycobiology in fungal and clinical applications
- Molecule screening
- Mechanism of action studies
- Studies of the expression, biosynthesis and role of glycans
- Identification and synthesis of molecules for therapeutic use
- Identification of bioactive compounds
- Structural characterization of glycans and polysaccharides
- Molecular modeling
The UGSF contributes to several technological platforms (Glycoconjugate Analysis Platform, Image and Signal Processing Platform for Biology, and Biomolecular Interaction Analysis Platform) and benefits from access to state-of-the-art equipment. In addition, our unit is equipped with:
- BSL2 cell culture rooms
- qPCR machines
- mass spectrometer
- biochip analyzer
- liquid chromatography systems
- particle size analyzer
- pipetting robot
- biacore T200; Biacore 3000
- all basic equipment (cell culture equipment, cell and molecular biology, ultracentrifuges, freeze-dryers, homogenizers, spectrophotometers, etc.)
Institut Pasteur, Université Paris-Saclay
Academia Sinica (Taïwan), Nagoya University (Japan), Sapienza University (Italy), Leuven University (Belgium), Marburg University (Germany)