Psychology: Interactions, Time, Emotions, Cognition

Visual environments and interactions Humanities and social sciences Research unit Precision health

The activity of our unit is centered on research in psychology, both in a broad perspective and in response to societal needs. We study the interactions between individual and environmental factors that are at the origin of situations of handicap, maladjustment, emotional dysfunction, and deviant behaviors in different life environments: school, professional, legal and penitentiary, hospital or specialized institution, or simply in the ordinary environment. This objective, nourished by theoretical analysis, is pursued with the development of practical applications that meet the expectations of the field: prevention of dysfunctions and remediation; adjustments for the improvement of living conditions and learning contexts; consulting and guidance for pedagogical, educational, and rehabilitative practices and methods; design and implementation of lifestyle education programs at school and in institutions.


Director: Marion Luyat

3 rue du Barreau, Bâtiment A
Campus du Pont de Bois, Université de Lille


Psychology, Cognition and behavior, Development, Emotions, Disability, Education, Organizations, Justice, Neuropsychology


  • Psychology 
  • Cognitive psychopathology
  • Emotional and Cognitive (Dys)Regulations 
  • Social interactions
  • Cognitive psychology of education
  • Social Cognitive Approaches
  • Child and adolescent psychology
  • Psychology of disability
  • Situations of disability
  • Psychology of justice
  • Individual-organization interactions
  • Psychosocial risks
  • Cognitive psychology and neuropsychology
  • Auditory cognition
  • Cognition and behavior

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University of Picardy, University of Lorraine, Brain and Marrow Institute, University of Savoie, Institute of Psychology-Paris Descartes, Center for Psychiatry and Neuroscience, University of Paris, University of Grenoble Alpes...
University of Newcastle (Australia), State University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Harvard University (USA), Federal University of Minas Gerais (Brazil), University of Ghent (Belgium), University of Montreal (Canada), Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics (Germany), Nanjing Normal University (China), University College London (Great Britain), University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg), University of Kenitra (Morocco), University of Maastricht (The Netherlands), University of Geneva (Switzerland), Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University (Turkey), Vietduc Surgical Hospital (Vietnam). ..
