Lille Research Platform for Robotics and Intelligent Transport
Our platform aims to provide researchers in the field of robotics, intelligent transportation and mobility with cutting-edge equipment and to ensure its availability, maintenance and evolution. We develop robotic solutions on demand and currently support several European projects, and have obtained several national, regional and industrial contracts. The total investment in the platform's equipment is about 2.5 million euros over the last 10 years. We are open to all academic and industrial collaborations and propose services in line with our expertise.
Technical director: Gérald Dherbomez
Scientific director: Maan El Badaoui El Najjar
Bâtiment ESPRIT, Avenue Henri Poincaré
Campus Cité Scientifique, Université de Lille
Mobile robotics, robotic modeling and simulation, collaborative autonomous mobility, deformable robots, supervision, diagnostics, fault tolerance, real-time embedded systems, hybrid systems, simulationLocalisation
- Mobile Robotics
- Medical Robotics
- Deformable robots
- Collaborative Robotics
- Logistics robots
- Digital simulation
- Autonomous vehicle
- Supervision, safety and dependability for autonomous mobility
- Middleware and real-time embedded systems
- Sensors, controllers and computers for robotics
Examples of projects:
- Cobofish: development of a multipurpose tool for scallop shelling and filleting of certain round fish
- Automating container transfer at port terminals
- Development of a medical robot for prostate cancer treatment under MRI
- Design and development of a 3D printing robot for use in construction based on materials such as concrete, earth, ...
- Rapid prototyping platform for control/command algorithms for cyber-physical systems
- Analysis and development of robotic solutions
- Study, design and development of robots
- Robotic development
- Design and rapid prototyping (machining, conventional 3D printing and for flexible or deformable materials)
- Programming of real-time embedded systems
- Creation of sensor data sets
- Modeling and mechanical CAD in CATIA
- Motion capture for robotic activities but also for other needs if requested
- Expertise in the choice and implementation of sensors, controllers and computers for robotics
- Full-scale testing of intelligent vehicles on indoor and outdoor test tracks
We possess a wide range of equipment related to robotics:
- Robotainer for autonomous guided transport in ports with a remote operation cockpit
- Robotic Renault ZOE vehicle for research applications on autonomous vehicles and autonomous mobility in urban and peri-urban areas
- Several Summit XL type robots for autonomous collaborative navigation in outdoor environments
- Manipulating robots for brachytherapy (MRI compatible), and for 3D printing ...
- Deformable robots for medical and other applications
- Experimental sites (motion capture rooms, outdoor test tracks, medical room with Philips MRI model)
Comptoir des pêcheurs boulonnais, Ferme de la Gontière, Gaussin, BA Systèmes, Véolia, TDR Groupe, M3 Systems, Inria, Institut de recherche en Communications et Cybernétique de Nantes (IRCCyN), Institut Mines Télécom (IMT Lille-Douai)