Electron Microscopy Platform of Lille
PMEL platform is a national electron microscopy center dedicated to the characterization of materials (metals, glasses, ceramics, polymers, minerals) with an expertise in quantitative nano-analysis and electron diffraction. Using our state-of-the-art equipment (transmission electron microscopes, scanning electron microscopes, electron microprobe, sample preparation equipment), we can describe the microstructures and chemical compositions of nanoscale and subnanoscale samples and perform spectroscopic studies of valence states, physico-chemical environments of atoms and ab-initio analyses of structures. We also perform fine compositional quantification studies for minor elements and chemical mapping. We are open to all academic and industrial collaborations and propose services in line with our expertise.
Technical director: Jean-François Dhenin
Scientific director: Damien Jacob
Bâtiment Chevreul, avenue Paul Langevin
Campus Cité scientifique, Université de Lille
Scanning microscopy, Transmission electron microscopy, Electron microprobe, Electron crystallography, Tomography, Microstructures, Compositions, Atoms, Surface analysisLocalisation
- Electron crystallography (resolution and refinement of structure) using electronic precession diffraction techniques in tomography mode (PEDT)
- Phase and orientation mapping in TEM (ACOM technique) and SEM (EBSD (backscattered electrons) and TKD (transmission) techniques)
- High resolution atomic number contrast microscopy (HRSTEM HAADF)
- Transmission electron microscopy
- Scanning electron microscopy
- Electronic tomography
- Quantitative approach to hyper-spectra of EELS, EDS and WDS mapping
- Multidimensional data processing by Hyperspy software
Examples of projects:
- Phase transformations in a Martian meteorite
- Microstructural characterization of oxide thin films used in nano devices
- Analysis of Fe-Ni bimetallic catalysts
- Microstructural characterization of new High Entropy Alloys
- Chemical, structural or microstructural analyses of metals, glasses, ceramics, polymers, minerals and materials for catalysis, from the micron to the atomic scale
- Observation and analysis of very thin samples (e.g. thin films of oxides) and of small dimensions (of the order of a millimeter)
- Design and characterization of metal matrix composites
- Characterization and tomography of crystal defects (especially dislocations)
- Characterization of deformation mechanisms
- Fine quantification of compositions for minor elements
- Quantification of light elements by spectroscopy
- Phase and Orientation Mapping
- Chemical mapping
- Ab initio structural analysis by electronic precession and tomography
- Microanalysis by electron microprobe
The PMEL platform is equipped with two transmission electron microscopes (aThermo Fischer Titan Themis 60-300kV and a Thermo Fischer Tecnai 200 kV), three scanning electron microscopes (including a Jeol low pressure SEM, a HITACHI SU 5000 analytical variable pressure SEM and a Hitachi tabletop SEM) and an electronic microprobe (CAMECA SX 100). A set of sample preparation equipment is also available, including microtomes or ultra-microtomes (cryo), a semi-automatic mechanical polishing system, and precision thinning and ion polishing machines.
See the detailed list of equipment.
Railenium, CEREGE, ENSAIT, IMPMC, IMT, Institut Français du Textile, IRCER, CSNSM, ISTeP, MNHN, Université de Reims, Université de Liège