Genomics platform

Biology and health Platform Precision health

Our platform provides a wide range of solutions and expertise in the field of medium/high throughput genomics. It includes two specialized hubs: the "Functional and Structural Genomics" hub, which develops its expertise in particular for translational research on cancer, and the "Transcriptomics & Applied Genomics" (TAG) hub, specialized in microbiology applications. With a global or targeted approach, we ensure the follow-up and the realization of research projects from the qualification of samples, the preparation of libraries and their sequencing, to the bioinformatics and biostatistical analysis of these data. We are open to all academic and industrial collaborations and propose training and services in line with our expertise.


Scientific director: David Hot
Technical director: Martin Figeac

Bâtiment C9, Avenue Mendeleiev
Campus Cité scientifique, Université de Lille


Mutations, Cancers, Amplicon-seq, Tn-seq, CGH-arrays, sRNA-seq, dRNA-seq, NGS-RACE, qRT-PCR, RNA-seq pleine longueur, Micro-arrays, DGE


  • “Whole genome” genomics: WGS, WES, amplicon-seq, Tn-seq, CGH-arrays, single-cell
  • Transcriptomics: RNA-seq, sRNA-seq, dRNA-seq, NGS-RACE, qRT-PCR, RNA-seq full-length, micro-arrays, DGE, single-cell
  • Metagenomics: targeted amplicon-seq 16S-ITS
  • Whole genome sequencing and resequencing (human, bacteria, virus)
  • Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) of diverse qualities
  • Targeted sequencing
  • 16S metagenomics 
  • RNA-seq (DGE) and scRNA-seq
  • Microarrays and Nanostring DGE

Examples of projects:

  • Metabolic disturbances induced by smoking, role of the microbiota
  • Study of clinical and molecular features associated with Met exon 14 splice site mutations in lung cancer
  • Search for differential transcriptomic profiles (mRNA, miRNA, lncRNA...) related to socioeconomic environment in women with high grade serous ovarian cancer
  • Use of Flagellin as an adjunct in the antibiotic treatment of bacterial pneumopathies
  • Expertise in feasibility study and in setting up genomic analysis projects for medium / high throughput projects
  • Sequencing technology in line with the project, its complexity and depending on the type of samples
  • Follow-up and implementation of research projects from sample qualification, preparation of libraries and their sequencing, to bioinformatics and biostatistical analysis of these data

From the realization of the experiments to the support of the teams, the platform brings its expertise on the processing of the generated data:

  • Genomic assembly, characterization and annotation, variant detection and annotation, study of Mendelian transmission
  • Differential expression analysis, unsupervised analysis
  • Taxonomic assignment, diversity assessment (α and β), dysbiosis measurement

We possess a wide range of equipment:

  • Sequencers for WGS and RNA-seq in short and long reads
  • Microarrays for DGE (Differential Gene Expression)
  • Equipment for scRNA-seq and scDNA-seq
  • Computer servers/clusters for analysis and development of bioinformatics tools

OCR, Gènes Diffusion

Institut Pasteur de Lille, CNRS, CHU de Lille, CHU de Rouen, ANSES, BIOTICLA, IAB
