Lille Fluid Mechanics Laboratory - Kampé de Fériet

LMFL | UMR 9014
Chemistry and materials Mechanics and civil engineering Transport and robotic Research unit Science for a changing planet

Our laboratory mainly studies turbulent external and internal aerodynamics. We aim to study and model turbulent and rotating flows using experimental, numerical and theoretical methods. Our research is structured around three main axes: (i) Turbulence; (ii) Rotating flows; and (iii) Flight dynamics in non-steady and inhomogeneous environment. We also developed three transversal axes (Optical Metrology; Active Flow Control; and Data Analysis) with the objective of developing methods and algorithms for the study of turbulent flows and for the active control of flows.


Director: Jean-Philippe Laval

Bâtiment M6, Avenue Paul Langevin
Campus Cité Scientifique, Université de Lille


Turbulence, Aerodynamics, Rotating flows, Turbomachinery, Flight dynamics, Optical metrology, Flow control, Aeronautics


  • Turbulence and turbulence modeling
  • Rotating flows and rotating machines (turbomachines, propellers, rotors, wind turbines, water turbines)
  • Flows bounded by walls, wakes, jets and other flow patterns
  • Flight dynamics in unsteady and inhomogeneous environment
  • Behavior of aircraft operating at low speeds in a disturbed flight space
  • Optical metrology
  • Methods and algorithms of optical methodologies for the study of turbulent flows
  • Active control of external and internal flows
  • Numerical simulation of flows

Examples of projects:

  • ANR EXPLOIT: Experimental Study of Dissipation Structures in Turbulence (2018-2022)
  • ANR DYNEOL: Turbulence DYNamics around wind and marine turbine blades (2018-2022)
  • CPER RITMEA: Research and Innovation in Eco-responsible and Autonomous Transport and Mobility (2021-2027)
  • H2020 Clean Sky 2 ACONIT: Actuators for Surge Control in Gas Turbine (2020-2023)
  • Characterization of the behavior of the vehicle subjected to a lateral or vertical wind gust during a tense trajectory
  • Production and operation of laboratory flight tests of aircraft models
  • Advanced investigation of the coupling between vehicle and environment
  • Quantification of the robustness of the proposed strategies to uncertainties, and the sensitivity to steering errors
  • Analysis and modeling of internal or external flows linked to rotating machines (turbo-machinery, rotors, windmills, tidal generators) in degenerated flow conditions
  • Optical metrology for turbulent flows

We possess a wide range of equipment regrouped within the internal and external technological platforms:
• MéOL - Wind tunnels - Rotating machines

See the list of equipment.

Airbus, Safran, CNES, Ariane Group, Pochet Du Courval, Decathlon

IRENAV, Institut d’Alembert, Institut PPRIME
Imperial College London (UK), Université de Lubiana (Slovenia), VirginiaTech (USA), Université de Padoue (Italy), Université de Jangsu (China)
