Territories, Cities, Environment and Society

TVES | ULR 4477
Observation and environment, lasers and their applications Humanities and social sciences Research unit Science for a changing planet Culture, societies, changing practices

The scientific identity of TVES is expressed through the four words in its title (Territories, Cities, Environment & Society), through the implementation of interdisciplinary research approaches and through the emphasis given to the spatial and territorial dimensions of the objects of study. Our scientific project (2020-2024) is based on the following research themes: Theme 1 - Organizing public space, building the living together (sub-themes: Accessibility and mobilities, transports- Tourism, recreation and sports activities, ludification of territories- Heritage, cultural practices and policies); Theme 2 - Revealing inequalities, adapting / sparing the territories (sub-themes: Risks, environment and territorial vulnerabilities - Nature, environment and management of territories - Transitions and socio-environmental inequalities); Theme 3 - Thinking and creating territories (sub-themes: Innovations and development of territories- Spatial practices, policies and territorial governance- Territorial engineering, tools and uses of digital technologies, decision support). TVES also includes an internal platform of geovisualization and geographic information processing, GEOVIZLAB, a methodological and technical support unit in the field of data collection, processing, analysis and representation. We are open to all academic and industrial collaborations and propose services in line with our expertise.


Director: Christophe Gibout
Director: Philippe Deboudt


Avenue Paul Langevin, UFR de Géographie et Aménagement
Campus Cité Scientifique, Université de Lille


Littoral, Geography, Land use planning, Urbanism, Economy, Management sciences, Law, Political science, Sociology, Public space


  • Accessibility and mobility, transport
  • Tourism, recreation and sports activities, playfulness of territories
  • Heritage, cultural practices and policies
  • Risks, environment and territorial vulnerabilities
  • Nature, environment and territorial management
  • Transitions and socio-environmental inequalities
  • Innovations and territorial development
  • Spatial practices, territorial policies and governance
  • Territorial engineering, tools and uses of digital, decision support

Examples of projects:

  • LAI Franco-Quebec project on electric mobility
  • Interreg project North-West Europe SURICATES on the reuse of sediments
  • ANR Franco-Quebec project on the adaptation to climate change in coastal areas
  • PUCA project on productive cities (Lille, Brussels)
  • POPSU project PUCA cities

We are unable to offer any services at this time.

We do not offer access to any equipment.

Federal University of Minas Gerais (Brazil), Hanoï University of Architecture (Viet Nam), An-Najah National University (Palestine), Free University of Brussels (Belgium), University of Quebec in Trois-Rivières (Canada), UQAR (Canada)
