Laboratory of electrical engineering and power electronics
Our laboratory focuses on the major topics of electrical engineering, including electrical energy management, modeling and design of electrical and electromechanical systems. The laboratory is composed of 4 research teams covering all aspects inherent to the field of electrical energy: energy management of electromechanical systems, evolution of conversion structures, development of numerical models and methodologies for the design of electromagnetic devices, energy management in smart grids... The scientific goal of the laboratory is to anticipate the advent of new tools, new components, new materials and manufacturing processes, capable of modifying and improving the dynamic performance, energy efficiency and reliability of electrical systems.
Director: Betty Lemaire-Semail
Bâtiment ESPRIT, Avenue Henri Poincaré
Campus Cité Scientifique, Université de Lille
Electrical engineering, Control, Modeling, Power electronics, Network, Optimisation, Energy management, Renewable energy, Mobility, Haptics, Piezo-electricityLocalisation
- Electrical energy management for e-mobility, EMR formalism
- 3D numerical modeling of electromechanical systems, reduced modeling, uncertainties
- Optimization, magnetic material characterization
- Energy conversion, power electronics, electromagnetic compatibility and HF components
- Electrical energy transmission network, HVDC transmission, renewable energy, smart grids
- Multi-phases drives, fault tolerant systems, piezo-electric devices applied to tactile feedback
Examples of projects:
- CPER CE2I Integrated Smart Energy Converter
- European project PANDA: Powerfull Advanced N-Level Digital Architecture for models of electrified vehicles and their components
- European project MULTI-TOUCH: Multimodal haptic with touch devices
- European project e-Balance +: Smart energy flexibility for distribution grids
- European project TRANSFORM: territories as responsive and accountable network of S3 through new forms of open and responsible decision-making
- Study of low frequency electromagnetic problems
- Graphic representation of non-elementary energy systems
- Optimization of electrical machines in their environment
- Characterization under real constraints (cycling) of storage components
- Characterization of magnetic materials
- Design of piezoelectric vibrating systems
We possess a wide range of equipment :
- technical platform for the study of piezoelectric systems
- technical platform for the characterization of magnetic materials
- EMC-rapid components technical platform
- storage characterization bench
- eV platform on mobility
- EPMLab platform for the study of electrical networks
See the detailed list of our equipment.
GoTouchVR, Hap2U, Nexter System, PSA peugeot, Citroen, Siemens, SNCF, Sherpa, Thales, Valeo, Decathlon, Schneider, Toshiba, Safran, Alstom-Transport, Auxel, EDF, IREQ, Jeumont Electric, Moteurs Fox, Renault, Enedis, Engie, GB Solar, RTE, Seolis, Spherea, Thyssenkrupp Electrical Steel, Nexter Systems (Satory), Renault technocentre (Guyancourt), SAFT (Bordeaux), SNCF (Paris), Maia Eolis, Auxel, ....
FEMTO-ST, Ampère, GeePs, IRENAV, LMSP, LPMT, LAMIHNational University of Río Cuarto (Argentina), Ghent University (Belgium), Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium), University of Liège (Belgium), KU Leuven (Belgium), University of Quebec in Trois-Rivières (Canada), Université de Sherbrooke (Canada), Université Laval (Canada), McGill University (Canada), École de technologie supérieure de Montréal (Canada), Beihang University (China), Harbin Institute of Technology (China), Shandong University (China), Tsinghua University (China), Wuhan University (China), University of Seville (Spain), Saitama University (Japan), Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands), Birmingham University (UK), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland), Polytechnic University of Turin (Italy), University of Bucharest (Romania), Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania), Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Russia), Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil), University of Akron (USA), National Polytechnic School (Algeria), University of Béjaïa (Algeria), LARA ENIT Tunis (Tunisia), Aalto University (Finland), RWTH-Aachen (Germany), Sofia University (Bulgaria)