Laboratory of Virology
| ULR 3610
Biology and health
Research unit
Precision health
Our laboratory studies the mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of enteroviral infections and in the development of type 1 diabetes. We are also looking for ways to control these infections. Enterovirus infections are studied through the coxsackievirus B4 (CVB4) serotype used as a model.
Director: Didier Hober
Centre Paul Boulanger, Boulevard du Professeur Jules Leclerc,
Hôpital Albert Calmettte, CHRU Lille
59037 LILLE
Virus, Pathogenesis, Enterovirus, Antibodies, Type 1 diabetes, Virucide, Persistence, Viral inactivation, Prevention, InfectionsLocalisation
- Conventional, molecular and serological virology
- Enterovirus and in particular coxsackievirus B4
- Viral parthogenesis of type 1 diabetes
- In vitro and in vivo models (animals)
- Detection and identification of enteroviruses
- Culture in anaerobic environment (fermentations), gnotobiology
- Pathogenesis of viral infection
- Infection control and prevention. Viral inactivation (virucidal tests)
- Viral infection markers
- Detection and quantification of enteroviruses in biological media (isolation in cell culture)
- Detection of enterovirus RNA in biological media (RT-PCR, semi-nested RT-PCR) and quantification of enterovirus RNA (quantitative real-time RT-PCR).
- Detection of anti-enterovirus antibodies in biological media
- Development of anti-enterovirus antibody detection tests
- Detection of human and murine type 1 IFN by biological method.
- Antiviral activity tests of molecules and products against enteroviruses
- Virucidal activity tests of molecules and products against different families of viruses
- Analysis of the intestinal flora (cultivable and non-cultivable bacteria)
- Bacterial translocation in animals with controlled or conventional flora (NOD, DBA1, C3H)
We possess a wide range of equipment, including:
- BSL2 and BSL2 + with PSM2 and CO2 incubators: cell and virus culture
- Thermal cyclers and real-time PCR machine
- Plate reader and washer (ELISA)
- Delayed fluorescence reader (DELFIA)
- UV microscope (fluorescence and immunofluorescence)
- Electrophoresis, chromatography (gel filtration, affinity)
- Ultracentrifuge
- Anaerobic chamber, isolators, fermenters
Arts et Métiers ParisTech, INRIA
University of Exeter (UK), Tampere University (Finland), University of Liège (Belgium), University of Monastir (Tunisia), LIMMS (Japan), CHU Brazzaville (Congo)