Lille Centre for Sociological and Economic Research and Studies
The research activities of our center are at the intersection of sociology, economics, and anthropology, promoting dialogue and exchange between these disciplines on common topics. The work focuses on contemporary, post-industrial or developing societies in Europe and other regions of the world. Depending on the subject matter and the projects, the work offers perspectives for comparative research in other areas (e.g. Europe, Central Africa, South Africa, Argentina, Southeast Asia, Canada). Some of the fields mobilized are the sociology of work, the family, education, gender, the environment, health, deviance, social movements, the economics of sustainable development and the environment, health, work, services .... Clersé analyzes and questions social, economic and environmental vulnerabilities. Open to the industrial, institutional, and associative communities as well as to academics, we propose services in line with our expertise.
Director: Bernadette Tillard
Bâtiment SH2, avenue Jean Perrin
Campus Cité Scientifique, Université de Lille
Inequalities, Work, Employment, Family, Environment, Service activities, Anthropized environments, Territories, Public policiesLocalisation
Clersé is open to associative or professional networks, to the business world and to participative research. Its members are involved in expert activities and are solicited by the media ( The Clersé contributes to understanding public policies in order to respond to social and territorial demands. Our multidisciplinary research involves close and varied partnerships with civil society actors (local authorities, associations, companies) in order to support these actors in their activities. It mainly concerns the inclusiveness of populations, the fight against inequalities and the study of socio-economic transformations. These directions are now strongly influenced by the context of ecological transition and health crises.
Public policy support
- care supply, care pathways, health professionals, impact of diseases on the social life of patients and their families
- loss of autonomy, home care and services
- childcare, social policies in the medico-social and youth fields
- mobility and residential options of households
- prevention practices and policies (health, family, prison, delinquency)
- family; social inequalities and social exclusion
- prison environment, penal policy, care of minors, juvenile delinquency and social work
- indicators and measurement of social utility, social economy
- support to employment and intermediation on the labor market (employment policies)
- professional groups
- city policy, urban segregation, migration
- gender equality in the workplace
- working conditions; psychosocial risks
- health and well-being at work; presenteeism and absenteeism at work
- health insurance and health at work, health inequalities (employees, self-employed workers including liberal professions, farmers, lawyers, etc.)
- economic behaviors (social preferences, market behaviors...)
- work organization and working hours within companies
- labor market, segmentation and subcontracting, corporate strategy and impact on employees (working conditions and employment)
- professional groups and their transformations (health, sport, culture, industry, services, small trade and crafts, etc.)
- human resource management
- service relations
- adaptation of firms to fluctuations in demand and flexibility of employment
- residential and professional mobility of employees in the face of company restructuring
- reconciliation of family and professional life
- statistics, research, studies, support and evaluation (public or private companies, professional branches and employee trade unions)
- demographic analysis of companies and establishments, engineering of social science surveys
- social relationships and social relations at work, professional environments and collective mobilizations
- networks and group dynamics, social and digital networks, social networks (survey methods, corpus, big data)
Environment and sustainability
- support in development (local, global)
- study of biodiversity and ecosystem services
- studies of anthropized environments and socio-ecological systems (e.g., water management, coastal management and planning)
- global public goods
- climate change and environmental, economic and social impact
- agricultural practices and environmental resources
- crisis management related to climate and industrial hazards (vulnerability and human protection)
- urban planning, industrial and urban wastelands in relation to biodiversity
- the uses of nature
- indicators of sustainable development
- sustainable development and territories, transport flows and environment, economic evaluation, sustainable transport
- corporate social and environmental responsibility
Innovation in services
- analyses of innovation in services in the public and private sectors
- care, human services (quality of work and services) and assistance at home
- development of short circuits and sustainable agricultural systems
- services related to biodiversity
- social and solidarity economy
- service economy and circular economy
- hospitals
- cleaning sector and unqualified jobs
- innovation networks and territorial development, innovation strategy of companies
- sustainable services and typology of service activities, innovation and public-private partnership, productivity and performance
Examples of projects:
- ANR /Region Hauts-de-France - Call for projects Resilience: COV-EHP project - "Managing the COVID-19 crisis in EHPADs". Coord. Florence Jany-Catrice (2021-2022)
- CFDT research project: "Prospects for improving employment and work in the personal care services and cleaning". Coord. François-Xavier Devetter (2020-2022)
- Research grant agreement with the USH (Union Sociale pour l'Habitat) for the research program on the sale of low-income housing (2020-2023): project "Social landlords and buyers faced with the "marketing" of social housing. A comparison of tight and slow markets in the Hauts-de-France region". Coord. at Clersé Cécile Vignal (2020-2023)
- Research agreement with DREES: "Trajectories of poverty: profiles, determinants and consequences. French approaches and European perspectives". Coord. Pierre Blavier (2020-2022)
- Public contract with DARES - project "Analyzing the implementation of the experimental program to reduce long-term unemployment. Lot 4: Urban territories: European Metropolis of Lille, Paris 13, Villeurbanne". Coord. Florence Jany-Catrice
- Hauts-de France Region Call for projects on agricultural systems and environment in Nord -Pas de Calais: NORE-AGRIA project "Environmental standards - Agricultural activities and farm autonomy". Coord. Sylvie Célérier (2017-2019)
- Agreement with IFAD (United Nations International Fund for Agricultural Development) and CIRAD: MASSIRE project "Integrating multiple water sources and local institutions for enhance food security in North Africa's hinterland by reinforcing agricultural & rural innovation systems". Coord. at Clersé Olivier Petit (2019-2023)
The members of the laboratory can be solicited for their expertise in various fields in order to perform studies, analyses, consulting, qualitative and quantitative surveys, data collection, interventions and participation in working groups, commissions, expert committees, ...
Examples :
- implementation of indicators and measurement of social utility, social and solidarity economy as a vector of employment
- organization of work and working time within companies
- analysis of the labor market, segmentation and subcontracting, corporate strategy and impact on employees (working conditions and employment)
- analysis of professional groups and their transformations (health, sports, culture, industry, services, small trade and crafts, etc.)
- services for training and employment stakeholders : statistics, research, studies, support and evaluation (public or private companies, professional branches and employee trade unions)
- demographic analysis of companies and establishments, engineering of social science surveys
- analysis of ocial relations at work, analysis of professional environments and collective actions.
- sociological surveys in the health field (hospital, Ehpad)
- network analysis and group dynamics, social and digital networks, social network analysis (surveys, corpus, big data)
- decision support in urban planning, industrial and urban wastelands in relation to biodiversity
- implementation of sustainability indicators
- evaluation and studies of ecosystems systems
- ethno-sociological surveys
- analyses (public and private sectors) of innovation in services
We do not offer access to any equipment.
- EPF and SUEZ via the ECOCIRNOV Chair (ECOnomie CIRculaiaire et inNOVation) supported by IMT Lille Douai on waste recycling
- IRES-CGT projects "Investing in the care sector and the link to others: A challenge for equality between women and men. Quantitative approach" and "Unexpected, even perverse effects of state support to companies";
- CFDT Federation, project "Prospects for improving employment and work in the personal care and cleaning ";
- Syndicat Mixte du Parc naturel régional des Caps et Marais d'Opale, project "Analysis of the perception and the representations of the Boulonnais Bocage and the associated ecosystem services";
- DigestScience Foundation, project "Sociological survey within the framework of the HEROIC project on Crohn's disease"
Scientific collaborations, which are established through French, European or international research programs or through informal contacts between researchers, are at the heart of the Clersé's strategy.Clersé is involved in numerous academic collaborations both in France and abroad. In addition, Clersé hosts and is associated with the regional center of the Centre d'études et de recherches sur les qualifications (CEREQ).
- The Clersé, together with the University of Lille and the CEREQ CAR of Lille, contributes to the PIA 3 project "A Vous le Sup" whose ambition is to "reduce inequalities" by accompanying high school and college students from problem neighborhoods.
- The Clersé contributed to the creation of the ChairESS in Nord Pas de Calais "Interdisciplinary and inter-university chair of social and solidarity economy and territorial sustainability", a pioneer in France.
University of Buenos Aires-CONICET (Argentina),Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), University of Sao Paulo (Brazil), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), University of Laval (Canada), University of Montreal (Canada), University of Bangui (Central African Republic), Complutense University of Madrid (Spain), University of Arizona (United States), Cornell University (United States), Kwansei Gakuin University (Japan), University of Kent (UK)
International networks:
AISFL (Association internationale des sociologues de langue française), EUSARF (European scientific association on residential and family care for children and adolescents), GERN (Groupe européen de recherches sur les normativités), RESER (European association for research on services), RIODD (International Research Network on Organizations and Sustainable Development)