BioImaging Center Lille

Biology and health Platform Precision health

Our platform is dedicated to cellular, tissue and small animal imaging (rodent and aquatic models). Our services are structured around five technological platforms: electron microscopy, photonic microscopy, cytometry and flow imaging. We possess a wide range of innovative equipment and support research activities of more than 400 researchers and 112 national and international research teams. We are open to all academic and industrial collaborations and propose services and training in line with our expertise.


Technical director: Nathalie Jouy
Technical director: Sophie Salomé-Desnoulez
Technical director: Meryem Tardivel
Scientific director: Franck Lafont

1 rue du professeur Calmette
59019 LILLE


Microscopy, Imaging, Flow cytometry, Histology, Multimodal fluorescence imaging, Super-resolution and intravital imaging, Light sheet, Cryotomography


  • Transmission electronic imaging (TEM) and scanning (SEM), including (cryo-) tomography in TEM and SEM and EDX and EELS analysis in TEM
  • Light microscopy (FRAP, FRET, FLIM, SIM) in a containment environment
  • Conventional and spectral cytometry, flow imaging and cell sorting, including in a containment environment
  • Preparation of samples
  • Data analysis and interpretation
  • Image analysis
  • High resolution cellular, tissue and intravital imaging of small animals
  • Photon imaging, including in vivo imaging in animal facilities A2, super-resolution, FRAP, FRET, FCS / FCCS and light sheet methodologies
  • Transmission electron imaging (TEM) and scanning electron imaging (SEM), including (cryo)tomography
  • Assistance in the preparation of samples and the choice of the appropriate system for the scientific problem
  • Assistance in the design, acquisition and analysis of data
  • Support for all or part of a study project (preparation, immuno-staining, acquisition, data analysis) as part of the service provision
  • Services in image restoration by 3D deconvolution

The BICeL platform is equipped with state-of-the-art instruments in electron microscopy, photonics and flow imaging:

  • electron microscopes
  • high content microscopes
  • Photonic microscopes (confocal, PALM, TIRF, PALM-SIM, multiphoton, video microscopes, epifluorescence microscopes, light sheet microscopes, slide scanner)
  • flow cytometers
  • ultramicrotomes and cryo-ultramicrotomes
  • cryo-fixation and cruo-substitution devices

See the detailed list of equipment.

Université de Rouen, Institut Curie, Institut Pasteur Paris, Institut Cochin, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, Université de Toulouse, Sorbonne Université, ANSES
Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel), Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium)
